Support MITS

Your support will enable many more students to access great education and opportunities through MITS.

Our Community

Our students receive the very best opportunities in Melbourne thanks to our community of supporters. This community includes the trust, foundations and individual donors who contribute to MITS financially, the corporate supporters who provide in-kind support and resources to MITS, the community partners who provide experiences and opportunities for our students, and our Partner Schools who welcome MITS students from Year 8 onwards.

Join the MITS community

There are so many ways that you can lend your support to our students. If you have an idea for how you can support, please be in touch.


You can create great educational opportunities for young Indigenous people today. We rely on the generosity of the community for over half of our funding. Please click below to support our students.

Volunteer Opportunities

MITS is supported by an extraordinary community of volunteers who work across our boarding houses, school and office. Volunteers undergo a thorough registration process and attend a Volunteer Induction Session, held once per term, before commencing volunteering duties.

Become a Volunteer